- CFL Employees
- Medication Delivery Personnel
- Designated Healthcare Providers
- Designated Mental Healthcare Providers
- Home Health Personnel
- Hospice Personnel
- CFL employees who have come into contact with a known carrier of of COVID-19 will not be allowed on campus and will be required to self-quarantine for a minimum of 14 days
- CFL employees who present any symptoms will not be allowed on campus and will be required to self-quarantine for a minimum of 14 days
- Every CFL employee and visitor identified as medically essential personnel will be subject to a temperature reading and to a footwear sanitization process upon entering an on-campus facility
- All on-campus facilities will utilize only the main entrance of each facility
- All non-staff visitors identified as medically essential personnel must sign in on log-in sheets at the main entrance of the on-campus facility they enter
- Lysol spray
- Clorox wipes
- Clorox spray
- Latex-free medical gloves
- Hand sanitizer
- N95 masks
- Thermometer covers (plastic slip)
- Paper shoe covers
- Boxes of tissues
- Alcohol pads/swabs
If you have any of these items in unused condition, or if you are able to purchase them new, the Okarche Police Department has set up a touch-free drop box for CFL in the front hallway at 300 Colorado St., Okarche, OK 73762.